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Forgotten Tracks

Here are some Saboteur tracks there were either meant to be released but forgotten or somehow a little unfinished or deemed bad or something. They were never released before, but hey, nothing's really stopping me right? If you want to make a whole collection of my music, you don't want to overlook these. (Ok, yes, nobody wants that. But at least I'm making it possible in theory.)

  • Codex of Wisdom [IT]
    Genre: Dance
    8,8Mb ZIP [ Download ]
    • Created December 1 2001. Completely finished but deemed too unsaboteurish to be released at the time. Upbeat dance with some resemblance to "Glitter" by darkhalo.
  • Illumina Vitalis [IT]
    Genre: Hip Hop
    8,8Mb ZIP [ Download ]
    • Created June 1 2002. Deemed damn good but never finished. When I was finally satisfied with it, it was so old I somehow didn't bother to release it. Also check out "New Forms" for a similar but much newer track.
  • Sonean [Ogg]
    Genre: Progressive Electronica
    2,2Mb Ogg (Quality 1) [ Download ]
    • Created September 10 2001. I liked it a lot but thought it wasn't good enough to be a saboteur-release, it was too extreme and progressive. The original module is a 24 megabyte monster so I won't bother even releasing it because no sane person will want to download it when a 2mb OGG is available. (If you want it anyway, just mail me and I'll put it up, no problem). Notice the bittersweet harmony in the second part, near the end, which is pretty much the focal point of the track.
  • Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Study [Ogg]
    Genre: Ambient
    1,9Mb Ogg (Quality 1) [ Download ]
    • Created February 5 2002. I liked it quite a bit and it's a mystery to me to this day why I never released this. It must have been too unsaboteurish again. Features a sample from the Fallout 2 soundtrack.
  • Gravel (Remastered) [RNS+Ogg]
    Genre: Funk
    186Kb ZIP + 1,5Mb Ogg (Quality 1) [ Download RNS | Download Ogg ]
    • Created March 8 2002. It was originally made for an OHC that died out due to lack of contestants but once I finally got a pattern ready, I couldn't let go. I finished the track and later retracked it in Renoise. It's good fun.

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