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  • Poll #5 started on Jan 16 2005:
    Why did God create Sweden?
    • Results (Votes / Option)

    This poll is Closed.
  • Poll #4 started on Oct 8 2004:
    Do we love or hate autumn?
    • Results (Votes / Option)

    This poll is Closed.
  • Poll #3 started on Feb 8 2004:
    Which term sounds better?
    • Results (Votes / Option)

    This poll is Closed.
  • Poll #2 started on Mar 27 2003:
    Should I release tracks that feature my own voice as instruments (singing or otherwise) no matter how ridiculous it will sound?
    • Results (Votes / Option)

    This poll is Closed.
  • Poll #1 started on Nov 16 2002:
    Which colour profile is the best / Which one do you use?
    • Results (Votes / Option)

    This poll is Open.
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