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Saboteur Releases
As official as it gets - my latest releases, mostly done with Renoise.
- 31.12.2011: Purple [XRNS+Ogg]
Genre: Electropop
2,1 Mb ZIP + 1,9 Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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There's a moment when everything's painted in purple, or so it seems. But very quickly it is lost.
Written for the song challenge 2011 - a bit of a contest with a friend to finish
a track by the end of the year. And look, I've finished with hours to spare!
It's not exactly a work of high art but I figure it's more important
to at least do something rather than nothing, lest I completely lose my form...
We had another song challenge in 2008 and the result of that one is "Silence Will Speak For Her".
XRNS release includes audjoo Helix VSTi
- 28.6.2011: Drums In Space [XRNS+Ogg]
Genre: Electropop
5,3 Mb ZIP + 1,8Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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Happy to share a little music after a long break!
Decidedly silly moods in this one, almost reaching a Lemon Jellyish vibe at the 2:30 mark.
XRNS release includes some VSTi
- mda Piano
- Triangle I
- audjoo Helix
- Drumatic 3
- 21.12.2008: Clouds (song for bunny) [RNS+Ogg]
Genre: Electropop
5,8Mb ZIP + 4,7Mb Ogg (Quality 6)
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Written on the darkest day of the year in Finland, 21st of Dec 2008.
Inspired by the darkest occasion of the year for me personally, as my beloved pet rabbit
had to be put down two days ago.
She's up on a cloud somewhere...
RNS coming up this time, due to mostly clear sample and vst usage and because I felt like it.
No compressors used at all, which is strange. Just felt like not using any. Also, it's cacofonic, excuse the mess.
Sample credits inside zip (coming soon), vsts within also. Have not prelistened to RNS at 44,1k, so recommend 96k playback.
- 16.4.2008: Silence Will Speak For Her [Ogg]
Genre: Electropop
1,7Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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not all moments need words. hold your tongue... silence may sometimes speak for you.
A friend and I had a 'song challenge'. Since it had been ages since either of us really
finished a track (and really, for me, it was a case of not even trying) for a really long time...
I mean look, no releases in 2007 and just one in 2006? Anyway, song challenge. Three weeks
to finish one song. Great concept!
On the last day I pulled through and finished this track - not much, but I finished it.
It's something of an electropop number, finished in 4 hours.
- 24.11.2006: Decentralized7 [Ogg]
Genre: Big beat
2,2Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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Finished up this little bigbeatish number. Chop a break mate.
- 10.11.2005: Lights In Motion[RNS+Ogg]
Genre: Rock
xxxxKb ZIP + 1,7Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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After a pause of 7 months I was suddenly inspired by something and bang! 4 hours later I had a
completely new track on my hands and I was dancing and shouting as I made it... Just like in the good old days.
This is a rock track in a similar way as "It's A Feeling".
It currently only has lyrics in the chorus, but I'm not sure if I'll write them all out. Below are the lyrics that are
in place now:
chorus (all lyrics and vocals by saboteur)
I want to be on my way somewhere /
Oh, any old place will do /
Lights in motion in the autumn night /
I watch as the train goes by.
I've been listening to a lot of SPITZ lately so I guess the rock comes from there.
Andrew Sega in his jazzy Necros days is also an influence here.
The inspiration came from a romantic moment in solitude, walking along a dark, wet
road tonight. It wasn't really late, but it gets dark so early it felt like it.
as I walked past the railway station I looked at the long-distance train just about
to leave the station. how the warm glow from its windows lit up the cold, damp world
around it, and how people were preparing to embark on some destination far away from
this dreary place, in the warm and comfortable seats...
I wish I could have been there, gazing longingly outside into the darkening autumn night. going someplace.
Any place.
- 17.4.2005: The Way I Am (Remix)[Ogg]
Genre: Electropop
1,7Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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A sunny electropop track that's light-hearted to the point of being infantile.
Although recently finished, this track is actually rather old. The original track is an unfinished
track of mine.
- 27.1.2005: A Triumphant Theme [RNS]
Genre: Big Beat
4,8Mb ZIP
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This is actually an old track, but I figured I'd release it just because it's kind of nice in a naive,
silly way.
- mda Piano used (included in zip)
- 18.8.2004: Helsinkiin (Saboteur's Hellbound Remix) [Ogg]
Genre: Big Beat
2,2Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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Bigbeat remix of "Helsinkiin" by Scandinavian Music Group.
- 13.6.2004: Abstract [Ogg]
Genre: Electronica
2,0Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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Upbeat, distorted leads. A refreshing break at 2:20.
- 10.5.2004: Song For The Rain [Ogg]
Genre: Ballad
2,2Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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To balance out my excessive studies in drums, here's a track with no drums whatsoever.
A ballad for the rain. Co-op with Cas.
- mda Piano VST used
- 25.4.2004: Glitter (Saboteur's Shimmering Remix) [Ogg]
Genre: Electronic
3,0Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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Another darkhalo remix, this time of the upbeat dance track "Glitter". Drum experiments and
my usual lazyish electropop groove. Good-mood track.
- 24.3.2004: Between Here And Toronto [Ogg]
Genre: Ballad
2,3Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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A triumphant electronic ballad with melancholic overtones and drum experiments.
- 7.3.2004: Luulin Näkeväni Sinut [Ogg]
Genre: Electropop
2,1Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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Upbeat electropop with my usual drum experiments and distortion.
The title is Finnish and means "I thought I saw you" - there's an
accompanied little poem in the comments that explains it.
(No translation, sorry).
- 8.2.2004: Make A Lot Of Noise [Ogg]
Genre: Electro-rock / Rock-tronica
1,8Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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Once again I rehearse my rock-tronica attitude that was more or less
born with "Broken Face" and later developed
in many of my tracks. This is yet another drum experiment, with the title
vocal sample pulled from some random tv-program.
- mda Piano VST used
- 28.1.2004: Enter 2004 [Ogg]
Genre: Electropop
2,1Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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I tried sticking to a 4-on-the-floor rhythm for a change.
Less drum experiments (well sure there are some left but the rhythm is simpler)
and more... hmm, mood? Can't really say content since the song doesn't have
a very strong theme, just a general lazy'n'soft atmosphere.
Sample credits...
- Boards of Canada
- 17.1.2004: Fading Like A Flower (Saboteur's Cheap Remake) [Ogg]
Genre: Electronic
1,9Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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A remix of "Fading Like A Flower" by Roxette with light drum'n'bass influences.
- 2.1.2004: For What It's Worth (Saboteur's Derailed Mix) [Ogg]
Genre: Electronic
2,2Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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This is "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield, completely derailed and destroyed by me.
I'm calling it a B-Side because it really doesn't add much musically to the original. Just something
I whipped up in my spare time - and you know I'll release anything and everything...
- 18.12.2003: One Sentence About Time [Ogg]
Genre: Ballad
2,7Mb Ogg (Quality 4)
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The much hyped christmas song for 2003. It's a traditional ballad - but with a breakbeat
in the end. It's a peaceful track, much more inspired than most of my work lately.
"time is the everforgiving perspective
and distance that allows us to come
to terms with things we intensely dislike"
- 17.12.2003: Up Front [Ogg]
Genre: Electronic, Experimental / Noise
2,0Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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Very distorted and rough sound - very little harmony. Download at your own risk.
Some influence from Luke Slater here.
- 17.12.2003: Days Like These 2 [Ogg]
Genre: Easy Listening
2,0Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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Very mellow electronic pop. Cute melodies, but completely uninspired.
It's a little sketchy so I'm calling it a b-side for now. The song is continuance to
Days Like These only in the general mood.
- 17.12.2003: Elegance [RNS+Ogg]
Genre: Electronic
958Kb ZIP + 1,9Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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With sublime grace and elegance he did everything he did. Even when he was being crude and unintelligent.
Affection makes us stupid and blind. So does Estonian alcohol. How paradoxical.
Poppish thing that almost sounds like a chiptune.
- CM-101 VSTi used
- 17.12.2003: Today [Ogg]
Genre: Pop Ballad
1,7Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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An innocent and childishly upbeat pop ballad. A break from my usual Renoise style, although
completely written in Renoise.
Features a bunch of samples from Claymore.
- 4.12.2003: Art And Intelligence [Ogg]
Genre: Electronica
2,0Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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"There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who, thanks to their art and intelligence, transform
a yellow spot into the sun." - Pablo Picasso
This one wants to be all groovy and stuff. Don't know if it actually is.
Not too many special technical tricks here - just my usual beatwork.
This time I wanted to have a bit more ambience in the track but it doesn't
sound as natural as I'd like. The track as a whole really lacks soul and
life, but since I did finish it I'll sure post it as well.
- 15.10.2003: Head On [Ogg]
Genre: Electronica
2,1Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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The bassline is a little bit lower than usual here. It's some kind of poppish electronica with
a lively beat.
- mda Piano VSTi used
- 21.9.2003: Running Free [IT+Ogg]
Genre: Pop
11Mb ZIP + 1,8Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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Classic saboteur-pop, with a piano even. Pure.
I started this track in MPT on May 11, 2002 and finished it
September 21 2003... Well, the problem here is, when I changed to
Renoise, it didn't have IT import so a lot of unfinished tracks were left unfinished
in the transition. The IT import of Renoise is still practically unusable (sorry to say
this but it really is worthless as it is) and I remembered this song and how much
I liked it... So I started up MPT and finished the track.
If you can be bothered to download the HUGE module, there are four unused patterns
in it for you. (And great samples too!) If you just want to hear the actual song, the Ogg
is a much more comfortable download.
If you liked this at all, be sure to check out "Blue-Eyed Boy" which is a similar
but a bit more sad track.
Sample credits...
- Claymore
- 6.9.2003: New Forms [Ogg]
Genre: Progressive Electronica / Melodic Hip-Hop
2,7Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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Progressive electronica with a touch of hiphop.
Centers around a piano loop and a couple of beats.
Most of the leads in this song were not entirely tracked, I played them in and then
edited them. Even though this is supposed to be electronic (not "traditionally played")
music, the realism and life the offbeatness provides is nice. In my opinion, anyway.
This song proves that there is a legitimate use for a flanger in the creation of harmony
- it sounds like part of the melody at 3:30 and onwards.
Sample credits...
- Arena
- mda Piano (VSTi)
- CM-101 (VSTi)
- Muon Tau (VSTi)
- 6.9.2003: Swedish Meatballs [Ogg]
Genre: Groove
1,7Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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A spaced out, quirky but very funky remix of a song from the soundtrack for the early 90s
PC game "The Incredible Machine". I sampled something like 15 seconds of the original song
(played with standard adlib instruments) and used that loop in this song. This song is funky
Sample credits...
- Sequence from "The Incredible Machine" (Sierra 1993) soundtrack
- Whoever was the first to sample that cheesy breakbeat
- 16.8.2003: The Sky In My Mind [Ogg]
Genre: Electronica / Big beat
1,8Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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This is a song that I like quite a bit but didn't dare to enter it in the Assembly 2003
Instrumental Music compo because I use a long sequence from "Meltdown" by Orbital
in it. It's an entirely original song, but the use of the sample is quite obvious around 1:45.
In the end there's a different mood to the song, perhaps a more upbeat one.
Sample credits...
- Orbital (sequence from "Meltdown")
- 10,000 Maniacs
- Wagon Christ
- Lenny Kravitz (Sampled by Westis)
- 16.8.2003: Stonewall 1969 [Ogg]
Genre: Electronica / Dance
3,7Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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Stonewall riots of 1969. Perhaps the birth of the GLBT liberation movement.
Other than the title, the song really doesn't have much to do with it. This time
I wanted to do some fun things with a song. This one is a chained Ogg, it has
two different parts that are almost like different songs but with almost the same
samples and just a variation of the same theme. About 2:30 into it I came up with
a cool idea. I rendered a pattern of the song, gave it a little Sound Forge treatment
and then used the result as a background loop in the song.
Sample credits...
- Howie B
- Moby
- 16.8.2003: Broken Face [Ogg]
Genre: Electronica
2,0Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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Broken Face is a song that has a rockish twist to it. It was my alternative entry to the
Assembly 2003 Instrumental Music compo but I chose "Dragon" instead. It also features
a sample from "Queer As Folk" (the UK version, the one and only). Actually the sampled
line should go "Unrequited love..." instead of just "love..." but there was too much noise
in the first word.
- 16.8.2003: The Dragon EP [Ogg]
Genre: Electronica / Synthpop
1,9Mb Ogg (Quality 1) + 1,8Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
Download "Dragon"
Download "Unwind"
The Dragon EP is two songs, the first inspired by a dream. The second is something
of a "spin-off" from the first - my friend was inspired by the original and did something
new with it. He gave it to me to finish up, so I put in a bunch of new beats and a progression
and there it was.
"Dragon" was submitted to the Assembly 2003
Instrumental Music competition but did not make it to the big screen.
Sample credits for the EP:
- 10,000 Maniacs
- Lenny Kravitz (Sampled by Westis)
- Boards of Canada
- 30.5.2003: Trekking Into The Distance [RNS+Ogg]
Genre: Ambient / Groove
3,9Mb ZIP + 1,8Mb Ogg (Quality 5)
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Imagine it's a gloomy, overcast summer day. There's a light rain going on, everything
seems to be covered up by a translucent grey fog. There's a mellow wind brushing the trees
and you're walking on, roaming the streets, trekking into the distance.
I took some samples from the inspirational and wonderful ambient track
psychosis paradise (final shore) by darkhalo
and got into the groove. The beginning half of the song is not as good as the second half.
- 6.4.2003: Your Wings Are Mine [RNS+Ogg]
Genre: Electronica
2,9Mb ZIP + 1,3Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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My entry to the first Renoise Beatbattle.
I came in 8th out of the 24 competitors and I'm quite happy with that.
Play the module at 96khz if you can, because the flanger sounds different at other mixing rates.
It doesn't sound horrible though, just a little different. You can download the Ogg and then
compare how they sound, as the Ogg was rendered at 96khz and downsampled.
- 9.3.2003: Greyscale (Remix) [RNS+Ogg]
Genre: Groove / Electronic
5,5Mb ZIP + 1,8Mb Ogg (Quality 1)
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This is a remix of Greyscale, an old tune of mine originally released in 1999. You can find the
original version on the old releases page here.
The remix is as happy as the original, but this time around I've focused on groovy beats.
- 30.10.2002: For Love Without Boundaries [RNS+Ogg]
Genre: Synthpop
5,6Mb ZIP + 3,7Mb Ogg (Quality 5)
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My first (finished) Renoise track! The quality of production is something I'm proud of
(and that would be largely thanks to Renoise), but
I'm even more proud of the mood, atmosphere and melodies.
Love knows no boundaries, and certainly none as silly as gender.
If you can't play the module at 96khz it will sound strange, so consider the Ogg instead in
that case.
- 29.5.2002: Blue-Eyed Boy [IT+MP3]
Genre: Pop
11Mb ZIP + 3,4Mb VBR MP3
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Melancholic, moody pop track with different parts and an underlying sense of hope.
If this sounds to your liking, try "Running Free" for a more
happy but otherwise similar track.
- 9.4.2002: Deliverance [IT]
Genre: Eurodance
1,5Mb ZIP
An upbeat eurodanceish track.
Competed in Novus' CMC, came in fourth of the five finalists.
Time: 22:31 /
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